Earthbound Misfit Demo Site
This is the demo site for Earthbound Misfit a hugo theme by
Vid Luther It's built using Hugo, Bootstrap 5.1 and Feather Icons. I hope you like it.
This is the Homepage Layout , you can find this file in themes/earthbound-misfit/layouts/index.html
if this file was to be removed, you would get a vanilla list of posts as your home page.
This site is hosted on Cloudflare Workers sites ..
Thanks to Avatar Maker for the Avatar.
Thanks also to Real Favicon Generator for the Favicons
My Socials
This is the output of config/_default/menu.toml
[[socials]] array. You see the same thing
in the footer, but without the text, instead the feather icons are being displayed. index.html
My Pages
This is a list of all Pages that have been published, not posts. If you click on Posts, you'll see all the posts. ( Hugo Pages )